How can I purchase a sample?
Whether you're looking to purchase a sample in light of an eventual wholesale purchase, or you're just looking to purchase for yourself, purchasing a sample is easy. Our products are available to purchase at retail here.

How can I place a wholesale order?
You can create a wholesale account here. Once registered you are immediately able to place wholesale orders. There is no screening or approval process for wholesale accounts.

Am I required to pay VAT on wholesale orders?
If you are a VAT-regstered business in Europe you can also enter your company details and VAT number to receive a tax-exemption when ordering, if relevant; this can take up to 3 business days and you will be notified via email once your account has been updated. Outside of Europe you will automatically see VAT-exempt pricing. Any local import/duty charges may apply.

What is the minimum quantity for wholesale orders?
Five units per product variant (color and size combination).

I'm interested in placing a large order exceeding the available stock on the website. Is this possible?
Yes, definitely. We keep stock on hand and available for immediate purchase to meet demand for small and mid-size orders, however for any larger orders please reach out to us (via our 
contact form) and we can arrange accordingly. 

How can I reach out to you with any additional questions?
You can always contact us through our contact form